Hand Rejuvenation : Before & After Photos
Hand rejuvenation is a very hot topic. Restoring volume and removing sun damage can drastically improve the appearance of the hands. Fat grafting is the best long term solution for volume restoration of the hands.
Patient 1 - Click images or links for more photos
This patient underwent fat grafting to the hands. The visibility of her tendons are much less after restoring the volume.
Individual results may vary
Click here to contact Dr. Paul Papillion and set up a consultation
Patient 2 - Click images or links for more photos
This patient underwent fat grafting to the hands. She has improved shape and fullness to both hands.
Individual results may vary
Click here to contact Dr. Paul Papillion and set up a consultation
Patient 3 - Click images or links for more photos
This patient underwent volume restoration of her hands with fat grafting. Note how the hands appear softer.
Individual results may vary
Click here to contact Dr. Paul Papillion and set up a consultation